Women's Health

Health, Balance, and Harmony

Welcome to Women's Health

There are many elements to consider when looking at women's health. Most importantly it is about listening and understanding your body's needs, whether this may be nutritionally through diet and additional supplementation, movement and exercise, evaluating your emotional needs, or balancing and maintaining your own work, career, and family balance.

Within my years of practice women's health has always been an area of my specialism on a physical and emotional level. One of the most common areas of client concern has especially been around perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause. Understanding how your body works and the changes that are occurring throughout this time, along with making some lifestyle modifications, valuing the importance of diet and nutrition, regular exercise and reducing stress, can make a significant difference as to how many may experience these natural changes. Knowing, listening, and understanding your body's individual needs can help enormously when navigating the body's rollercoaster of hormonal, physical, and emotional changes or challenges.

How I Can Help

Whatever you may be going through, whether that may be physically, mentally, or emotionally, it is always good to talk.

Having the opportunity to talk about how you are feeling and what your concerns may be is often the first step for establishing the groundwork for moving forwards with a plan of action towards recovery. It could be about looking at lifestyle, diet, stress factors and triggers, anxiety, emotional overload, a particular health condition/diagnosis, or just really not feeling great energetically but don't know why.

I can listen and help you discover and explore what may help and assist you moving forward at this time. It is important and helpful to look at all facets of what is occurring to gain a better understanding of what your body is saying, or what it requires, in order to rebalance and function at its optimum level. I can help look at simple changes that can be incorporated on a 'one step at a time' basis, rather than you become overwhelmed with a list of changes/adjustments that are seemingly too difficult, or hard, to implement.

Help, advice, guidance and support given on:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional overload
  • Nutritional needs
  • Women's health conditions - perimenopause, menopause, PMS, endometriosis, cystitis, candidiasis
  • Energy balancing

Perimenopause and Menopause Wellbeing

Did you know?

50% of women in Great Britain aged 45-65 years old go through the menopause without consulting a medical professional - IPOS Mori survey conducted for the British Menopause Society.

What really happens at menopause?

Around the age of 35-40 your body starts to prepare for the menopause, or cessation of periods, and you start to experience hormone changes that can give rise to a myriad of symptoms and it is not unusual to sometimes think that you are going 'crazy' during this time.

Stages of Menopause


Often used to describe the whole of a woman's life from her first period to the last one - often occurring around the age of 50.


When talking about going 'through the menopause' this is really the stage we are talking about. 'Peri' means 'around' - this is the stage leading up to the 'menopause', but can sometimes include the first 12 months after you last period, and can often last between two to six years.

The symptoms you may experience in perimenopause are similar, if not the same, to the menopause but your periods have not stopped. These may become irregular or more frequent depending on hormonal fluctuations, also they may last longer or be shorter as well as an increase or decrease of bleeding.

Exactly when you will start to experience perimenopausal symptoms can be difficult to determine or predict, but you may start to experience subtle hormonal changes from around the age of 40, and this cannot be pre-determined by what age you started having periods, whether you may have been on the pill, or how many times you have been pregnant.

Early onset can be affected by:

  • Total hysterectomy (where the ovaries have not been removed) - there may be a 50% chance of going through the menopause within 5 years of surgery.
  • Smoking - may be a couple of years earlier than those who do not smoke
  • Pregnancy when older
  • Sterilization
  • Sudden shock or trauma

Some of the Perimenopausal and Menopausal Symptoms include:

  • Anxiety / heart palpitations / panic attacks
  • Bleeding more or less
  • Bloating / sudden weight gain / changes in body shape
  • Brain fog / inability to concentrate
  • Changes in cycle length
  • Confidence changes / lack of or nervousness
  • Decreased libido
  • Fatigue
  • Forgetfulness
  • Headaches or worsening of pre-existing migraine episodes
  • Hot flushes and night sweats
  • Insomnia - disturbed sleep patterns
  • Mood swings
  • Muscle aches and joint pain
  • Urinary incontinence


This is the actual point when you have your last ever period and when the ovaries have stopped producing oestrogen and eggs are no longer released.


This is life beyond your last ever period, but is usually counted from 12 months after the menstrual cycle.

Hormonal changes can affect memory, energy levels and stamina, bone health, hormones, urinary and heart health, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and Type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise, alongside a healthy diet can help prevent some of these as well as providing great benefit to help lift your mood, reduce high blood pressure, boost immune function, reduce stress and maintain/improve bone density, whilst helping reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Menopause Wellbeing Treatments

I offer a range of specialist treatment sessions following a holistic perspective in supporting women with menopausal issues, whether that may be with advice and guidance as to how to navigate your experiences, information on the perimenopause and menopause and the varying different stages of transitional change you may be going through, nutrition and supplement guidance, and emotional support.

Help, support and information can be given on:

  • What really happens at the menopause
  • What are the different stages. i.e., pre-perimenopausal, perimenopausal, etc.
  • Symptoms
  • Managing symptoms
  • Menopause, mood and cognition
  • Supporting yourself nutritionally - diet, good foods versus bad foods
  • Advice on appropriate health supplements and herbs
  • Self-help techniques - including acupressure, for anxiety, irritability, night sweats, depression, panic attacks etc.
  • Aromatherapy - how aromatherapy oils can help, what oils to use, and how to use them
  • Breathing techniques - how different techniques can be used to help with a variety of symptoms including anxiety and panic attacks
  • Bach Flower Remedies - how these can help with mood and emotions, which ones may be best for you
  • How to support Adrenal functional
  • Bone health
  • What do you know abut HRT?

Solutions Offered


When your body's energy system is out of balance it ceases to function as it should. Find our more about your own body's unique energy requirements and discover different approaches that can be used to improve and enhance your daily energy.

Discover simple energy techniques that can be utilised to:

  • reduce tiredness
  • help improve stamina
  • keep you immune system strong
  • feel more energised
  • increase strength and vitality
  • relieve headaches
  • clear mental congestion and sharpen your memory
Emotional Support

Stress, anxiety, and mental overload have a major impact on your general physical health and wellbeing.

Support and guidance can be given for a range of mental/emotional challenges, with an opportunity to be able to talk, confidentially, and to discover and look at the various approaches that can help and support your mental health and wellbeing

Nutritional Advice

Advice and guidance on your own body's nutritional needs, taking into account any current health issues and what you are looking for help with.

Health conditions and challenges can be helped and supported with an in-depth look at your dietary intake to discover what foods may be more beneficial for you, and those least beneficial for you, along with supplementation that may be requires for your own unique make-up and bodily needs.

Client Testimonials

“Having been through a challenging time emotionally, I have found it difficult to express what I have really been feeling and how it has been affecting me, but with Judith's help and support I have been able to move forwards slowly to a place where I feel much happier."

Sarah H.

“I have found my sessions with Judith incredibly helpful on so many levels. With her help and guidance I have been able to change some of my diet that has made quite a difference to how I have been feeling physically and several perimenopausal symptoms I had been experiencing have been reduced." Kim V.

“After a few reflexology treatments to help with stress, which I found really helped, Judith helped me look at my diet and the effects that may be having on my arthritis. After making a few changes and having to re-think some of my eating habits it's made such a difference to the stiffness and pain I had been experiencing. I was really surprised. Liz W.

Get in Touch

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of the wellbeing therapies and services I offer, or if you would like to arrange a Discovery Session or an initial consultation

You can also call me on 07763 185413 if you would like to speak to me first or if you would prefer to leave me a message.



Online consultation via Zoom for:

Spiritual Life Coaching/ Intuitive Coaching & Mentoring

Dowsing for Health

Women's Health


Discovery Session - 30 minute session (online or phone call) to discuss your needs and discover what may work best for you.

Please give at least 48 hours notice of an appointment cancellation or full cost of a treatment may be charged.

Payments can be made by card, or bank transfer.

If you have a private health plan you may be able to claim for your reflexology treatment - please check your policy for details.

Spiritual/Intuitive Coaching & Mentoring

121 Session (1hr) £48

121 Session (90 mins) £58

Dowsing for Health

In-depth health/nutrition check £45 - £60

Nutritional/Supplement analysis £45

Energy balance and health check £45

Home and environment check & balance £45

Women's Health

Consultation session £45


Initial treatment consultation (1hr 15m) £45

Follow-up appointment £40

Reflexology Home Visit (1hr) £45


Please note that in the course of a treatment

no attempt is made to diagnose or replace your doctor.


Situated in rural Leicestershire.

Home visits are available for reflexology clients.