Spiritual Life Coaching

& Intuitive


Awaken to Your Inner Guide

We all have the ability to work with or from our own inner guidance system, but it is something many of us, sadly, lack the knowledge or confidence to do. Learning to trust is probably one of the biggest hurdles that we need to overcome in these times, with so many outside influences and distractions that can create distortions in what we may truly believe or feel. Going with our 'gut instincts' is something very few work with in this day and age, and yet, it is something which has helped us to survive throughout the ages and is a part of our natural instinct. For example, being able to sense danger or a threat to our life is something which has been inbuilt from the earliest of human existence and is an intrinsic part of our 'fight/flight' response for survival. Being able to sense and have the awareness of external factors which may endanger us is all part of the human make-up to exist and thrive.

Honing in on our senses and using our unique inner guidance, gut feeling, and intuition can help us navigate our life and gain a stronger sense of who we are as individuals and assist us in the many aspects of our lives, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

What is Intuition?

Intuition can be described in many ways, such as a 'gut feeling' or 'sixth sense,' but intrinsically it is the body's own innate inner knowing. Our ability to trust that inner knowing/inner wisdom is the foundation for future growth and development, further enhancing our capabilities to gain clarity, understand our inner voice and be able to take inspired action aligned with life's goals and purpose.

Our natural instincts are the basis for our safety, and we apply these on a daily basis to keep us safe from harm, listening to our inner voice as a prompt for keeping us from danger as best we can. Whilst cultivating active listening skills, using our senses, and knowing, we can utilise our inner compass to navigate our daily lives for our highest interests. When we use our intuition as guidance, we may often become more aware of synchronicities occurring in our lives, and become more adept at paying attention to thoughts, feelings, and nudges that inspire us to take action.

  • 'Gut feeling'
  • 'Sixth sense'
  • Inner knowing
  • Instinct
  • Inner voice
  • Senses & knowing
  • Inner compass
  • Inner guidance
  • Thoughts, feelings, and nudges
  • Synchronicities
  • External communication - guides

Understanding Energy and Our Energy Sensitivity

One of the fundamental aspects of working with your intuition is using your senses and having an understanding of energy. Essentially, energy is the central building block that powers everything in the cosmos, and it is the driving force behind all forms of life and the functioning of the universe. It is the electrical, electromagnetic, and more 'subtle' energies that give your body life and form with every molecule of you, as a living organism, vibrating at a particular energetic (electromagnetic) frequency and having an unseen yet very real energy or bio-electrical field, which surrounds and permeates the physical body. As living beings we are all energetic in nature.

Our physical energy is generated by our cells, being converted from the nutrients in our food via our digestive system, and our energy system supports our energy body, which contains the chakras (energy centers), that support other energetic layers, and our life force energy (Chi), which is a mixture of light and energy. All of our energetic layers feed energy into us and the frequency and vibration of this is relevant to how we feel. In using and sensing with our five physical senses and feeling within our emotional capacity is really a by-product of our unseen energy.

Gaining a better understanding and knowledge of your different energetic layers, how they affect you, along with developing your visualisation skills, enables you to become more attuned and aware of your own sensitivity and helps enhance your own intuitive ability.

Working with the Collective Conscious

Our consciousness is the center in which our sense of self, i.e., self-confidence, self-worth, self-belief, self-control, and is influenced by the layers of consciousness outside of that center. Our layers of collective consciousness include mind, ego, body, soul, and higher self, and influence the way we live our lives as a sense of self. In essence your collective consciousness should function as your 'advisor,' as opposed to your 'controller,' but we often find that one or two of these layers becomes more dominant and takes over, with the mind being the most common.

Working with your collective conscious and having a clearer understanding of how each individual layer has its own area of specialism and all layers are working together, in balance and as a 'team,' can help you develop your intuitive abilities, especially when it comes to working with external guidance, such as your guides.

Mind's specialism - holding memory, all things factual, lists, organising, planning, focus.

Minds are part of us that can get easily overwhelmed, often overthinking, and over analysing, creating scenarios that have not happened and potentially causing mayhem with some of the other conscious's.

Ego's specialism - all things to do with emotions and feelings. Challenges or trauma can often prevent ego's from maturing and being the same age as the person, as they need to feel safe and will revert to the age at which they last felt this.

Body's specialism - everything physical (physical function, energy, strength, stamina, health, wellness).

Soul's specialism - everything to do with direction, motivation, navigation, the next steps you need to take, what you have achieved. Souls have a bigger overview than mind or ego, and understand your history and greater purpose, and your life pattern.

Higher-self's specialism - has the greatest overview of you and a greater picture of what is going on. It is to do with the 'we' as opposed to the 'I'.

There are various different aspect to consider when looking at intuitive development, one such aspect involves looking at our perceptions and understanding how these can be influenced by our collective conscious. When all elements of the collective conscious are working together and contributing in a balanced way we can be assured that our mind, ego, body, soul, and higher-self are supporting us as the best possible advisers and helping us be in a more balanced state of being.

What is Intuitive Coaching?

Intuitive coaching and mentoring helps you develop a deeper connection between body, mind, heart and spirit by using emotional and spiritual healing techniques. There are many aspects of intuitive development to consider and having a good understanding and knowledge of the basic concepts is vital to being able to move forward on your path of inner journeying, whether that is to be for your own personal growth or if you are perhaps looking to help others in the future.

Having and developing knowledge of energy and energetic implications along with discovering and exploring your own intuitive abilities goes hand in hand. By becoming more aware of your own energy fields, listening to your feelings/emotional states, trusting in your own internal nudges, you can learn how your 'inner voice' is your best guidance system and knows what is best for you and the most valuable support in your decision-making, helping you learn to trust your 'gut feelings' and inner wisdom.

In supporting you with intuitive coaching and mentoring I offer the opportunity to:

  • Explore and develop your knowledge of energy
  • Discover the different energetic fields that make up our unique selves and how they can have an impact on your personal development and growth
  • Regain balance of thought and decision making by working with the Collective Conscious
  • Discover if you are repeating patterns in your life that may be hindering progress
  • Gain a clearer understanding of repeating patterns and traumas
  • Gain clarity around what you really want in life and discover your true identity
  • Help build self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-belief
  • Have a safe space in which you can be heard
  • Have plenty of support in your growth and learning of using and acting upon your intuitive guidance
  • Access to healing and practices that support your growth

The Benefits of Intuitive Coaching and Mentoring

Personal Development
  • Fosters self-awareness
  • Discovering conflicts and energetic distortions
  • Self-empowerment
  • Being able trust gut feelings and inner wisdom
  • Finding our own truth
  • Developing self-trust
Personal Growth
  • Aligns you with being your authentic self
  • Deeper awareness and trust in your intuitive abilities
  • Improved self-belief
  • A valuable journey of self-discovery
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Personal transformation
  • Enhanced decision making
  • Increased clarity of thought and purpose
  • Trust own internal insights instead of relying on external advice
  • Enhanced positive synchronicities

Get in Touch

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of the wellbeing therapies and services I offer, or if you would like to arrange a Discovery Session or an initial consultation.

You can also call me on 07763 185413 if you would like to speak to me first or if you would prefer to leave me a message.



Online consultation via Zoom for:

Spiritual Life Coaching/ Intuitive Coaching & Mentoring

Dowsing for Health

Women's Health


Discovery Session - 30 minute session (online or phone call) to discuss your needs and discover what may work best for you.

Please give at least 48 hours notice of an appointment cancellation or full cost of a treatment may be charged.

Payments can be made by card, or bank transfer.

If you have a private health plan you may be able to claim for your reflexology treatment - please check your policy for details.

Spiritual/Intuitive Coaching & Mentoring

121 Session (1hr) £48

121 Session (90 mins) £58

Dowsing for Health

In-depth health/nutrition check £45 - £60

Nutritional/Supplement analysis £45

Energy balance and health check £45

Home and environment check & balance £45

Women's Health

Consultation session £45


Initial treatment consultation (1hr 15m) £45

Follow-up appointment £40

Reflexology Home Visit (1hr) £45


Please note that in the course of a treatment

no attempt is made to diagnose or replace your doctor.


Situated in rural Leicestershire.

Home visits are available for reflexology clients.